Image Collection

The process of getting to where I am today was anything but easy. For this project I am focusing in on the long journey before Washington State Soccer, and the present day process of this soccer lifestyle.   

The Journey

I chose to focus in on my collegiate soccer career here at Washington State University because this journey is something that I am proud of, and it is something that I am very much familiar with. I know everything there is to know about this lifestyle and I also have 29 other girls that are going through it with me. I have so much information and experiences to share with the world. Why would I not choose to zoom in and highlight my experience with the best group of girls that I know?

I plan to collect original material  like, photos, videos and audio by simply filming my daily routine. Every morning I get up, go to soccer and workouts, then to my classes. Within that hour and a half that I am with my team at practice, raw footage will be filmed. We work so hard day in and day out. I would be so happy to show people what we do.

I have some ideas lingering in my head for the Unit 2 and Unit 3 projects. The Unit 2 project is the logo project. I would like to draw up my own cougar, teeth out and everything, and then have the cougar with a soccer ball in it’s mouth. On the soccer ball will be my number, 28. I would like to transfer that on to the Adobe Illustrator once I learn how to do that. The Unit 3 project, which is storytelling, I would like to tell the story of what goes into this athlete lifestyle.

In my inspiration file is this blog by a women named Nicole (find link below). It is an athletic/workout blog, not too related to my topic but as I was looking at it I began to really fall into the words. Her approach and communication with her readers is admiring. She really goes deep into her experience with the machines that she uses, and with what works for her. I want to go down the direction of her approach in hopes it will make me a better blogger for my audience.

In my inspiration file is also this blog called “The Combat Athlete’s Soap,” by Admin (find link below). It is about maintaining your health as you go through this difficult lifestyle of being an athlete. I liked this blog a lot because as my blog continues I would like to give tips on how to survive it. It is hard and it takes a lot out of you, and as I experience events, people can learn from what I do and learn from my mistakes. This blog can really help give me some guidance.

In my inspiration file, lastly, is this blog called “Athlete’s Best,” by Kris Vigue (find link below). I admire this blog due to the structure and organization of it. The separate sections that it has with each mini topic is a cool way to organize and grab the attention of your audience.


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