Final Graphic Design Project

These photos signify my whole entire life that is and always has been soccer. I am the long and treacherous process that got me here, and for that I am forever thankful and grateful. It made me stronger, wiser, and taught me that if you have perseverance, you can do anything that you put your mind to. I took into consideration all of the comments that I received from my feedback group, and I did change two things. I was really in love with and proud of my original project. But then I started to realize what my peers were saying. I decided to change the order of my photos. The individual picture of me is now on top, which is more on the field which I think makes a lot of sense. The photo with my soccer teammates is now on the bottom on top of the stands. I loved this because my teammates being in the stands represents them always rooting for me and cheering me on. They are a part of my fan club and I will always be a part of there’s. On the top picture, I cut me out of the regular picture that there was before. I did this because it shows more detail and my feedback group had suggested that I show more detail and place me on the field in a cut out manner. I agree that this shows more versatility. Even though I was a little hesitant about this because the background of that original photo was the logo and words of my soccer club that helped me get to where I am. I wanted to keep that in there because my soccer clubs are what raised me to be the player I am now. But it was for the best, it added much more detail to leave it out.

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